Saturday, September 4, 2010

Dessert Night at the V.A. Poma Ranch



Every guest at the V.A. Poma Ranch is invited to share pie or other dessert at the Ranch House sometime during the stay.  Pie is served in the name of Ethel Poma, since she was the first  to make sure each guest had some homemade pecan pie. Tonight was a  bonus with  music provided by our guests Jane and David Thomas from Santa Fe and friend Bradley Bennett.

IMG_0490 Jane and David  are musicians of the group called The Banded Geckos.They may be playing somewhere in Santa Fe, NM the next time you are there.  

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Uncle Bill’s New Look

One of our workampers, Sue is an artist. You can find some of her art work on her web page at Lazy Susan Art. She painted some Mountain Bluebirds in the kitchen/living area of the cabin.


Here is the artist at work.


She painted Hummingbirds in the bathroom.




Sue also painted the walls and ceiling in Uncle Bill’s, so it got a complete make over!